Family and Medical Leave Act Employee/Employer
The Employee/Employer Advisor is a computer program that stores valuable information and disseminates it in a informational and interactive framework. This system imitates the interaction an individual might have with a human expert to solve a problem. The Advisor is designed to answer a variety of commonly asked questions about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
U. S. Department of Justice
American With Disabilities Act Home Page
The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, programs and services provided by state and local governments, goods and services provided by private companies, and in commercial facilities.
Economy At A Glance
A table which contains current data on the various economic indicators produced by BLS along with other major statistical categories.
U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
"Our mission is to promote equal opportunity in employment by enforcing the federal civil rights employment laws through administrative and judicial actions and education and technical assistance.
The Department of Labor is responsible for the administration and enforcement of over 180 federal statutes.
These legislative mandates and the regulations produced to implement them cover a wide variety of workplace activities
for nearly 10 million employers and well over 100 million workers, including protecting workers' wages, health and safety, employment and pension rights; promoting equal employment opportunity; administering job training, unemployment insurance and workers' compensation programs; strengthening free collective bargaining and collecting, analyzing and publishing labor and economic statistics.
The National Labor Relations Board is an independent Federal agency created in 1935 to enforce the National Labor Relations Act. They conduct secret-ballot elections to determine whether employees want union representation and we investigate and remedy unfair labor practices by employers and unions. Check out their site to find out more about your rights under the Act (as well as other labor laws) and how to file a charge or election petition.
The Weekly Summary of NLRB cases, as the name implies, is a publication that summarizes each week all published NLRB decisions in unfair labor practice and representation election cases, except for summary judgment cases. It also lists all decisions of NLRB administrative law judges and direction of elections by NLRB regional directors.
You Have A Voice, Make It Heard
…..Register To Vote, Now!
Now it is possible to register people almost anywhere almost anytime. Hopefully the new On -Line Registration Program will bring more people into the American democratic process.
The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor present the
WHD Youth Theatre.
Featuring education on the following issues --
Wage & Hour Division: Who are we and what we do.
Teen Safety: Too many working teens get injured, don't be a statistic.
Child Labor: Protecting young people on the job. Minimum Wage: How much are you making an hour?
Sweat Shops: Are the workers who sew your clothes being treated fairly?